05 february 2014
Chisinau · Consolidated Agricultural Projects' Management Unit company jobs »
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male | from 5 years |
Selection of local individual consultant
Republic of Moldova
Agricultural Competitiveness Project
Credit No. 5095-MD, GEF Grant No. TF012145
Assignment Title: Design of a Management Information System for Moldova Agricultural Competitiveness Project
Reference No.: MACP/CS/IC-4.13
The Objective of the Moldova Agriculture Competitiveness Project is to contribute to enhancing the agro-food sector competitiveness by supporting the modernization of food safety and quality management systems, facilitating
market access, and promoting agro-environmental adaptation.
The central purpose of consultancy services to be provided within these Terms of Reference is to design a computerized and web-enabled "Management Information System" product for MAC-P.
The MIS should be cost effective, user friendly and functional and provide the project stakeholders with the necessary guidance and tools to monitor and evaluate project activities,
outputs, impacts and performance through its use.
The Consultant should meet the following qualifications:
• higher education or master degree in Computer Science or related field plus minimum of 5 years relevant work experience;
• a strong experience in systems design and a solid understanding of database development, testing, and integration methodologies;
• proven knowledge of entity-relationship modeling (E-R modeling) and of system development using relational database management system (relational DBMS);
• excellent knowledge and experience of Microsoft SQL, PL/SQL, and Adobe Flash platform;
• knowledge of current and emerging IT products, services and processes is required;
• proven ability to conceptualize, design and implement major projects, with innovative problem-solving ability;
• demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and good written and oral communication skills in English and Romanian.
The consultancy services will last till March 2014.
The applications should include letter of Expression of Interest, CV, and related recommendation letters and references, if any.
Applications should be submitted in English or Romanian marked "Design of a Management Information System for Moldova Agricultural Competitiveness Project" by February 10, 2014 cob to the following e-mail addresses: vshokin@capmu. md and cbordeianu@capmu.md,
or in hardcopy to the following address: 9 Cosmonauţilor str., of. 512, mun. Chişinău, Consolidated Agricultural Projects' Management Unit.
Phone number |
+373 22 222479
Fax | +373 22 244469 |
vshokin@capmu.md |
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