14 august 2017
Chişinău · Customer Service Professionals joburile companiei »
International company is recruiting Customer Service Professionals.
What do we need:
As a Customer Service Professional, you will speak with and write to customers in the United States.
We need excellent English (speaking and writing), minimum 2 years of university, positive attitude, fun and desire to learn.
The ideal candidates should have and develop a set of skills like: Clear Communication Skills, Attentiveness, Persuasion Skills, Ability to Use "Positive Language", Time management skills, Ability to "Read" Customers, Patience, A Calming Presence, Goal Oriented Focus, Ability to Handle Surprises, Tenacity, Closing Ability.
What do we offer:
If you fit our requirement we promise to take good care of you.
The salary will be based on experience and it is above the traditional pay scale.
We have great plans for you for the long term. We provide a lot of benefits: social benefits, good working conditions, great opportunities, career development, training, you learn from the best, you are paid on time, new challenges and responsibilities, positive atmosphere, great coworkers, emotional satisfaction.
You will make customers happy.
Next steps:
We need a cover letter to know you better. Feel free to express yourself. We are also interested to know more about the following:
- Tell us about your accomplishments and your failures at your previous job.
- Why do you want to get this job?
- What do you like and dislike in life?
- What do you enjoy doing without being paid for? Yes, this is a paid job :)
Send your CV and Cover Letter by e-mail: a.saragia@gmail.com
a.saragia@gmail.com |
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