11 martie 2014
Chişinău · American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova joburile companiei »
Sex | Experienţa |
Masculin | de la 3 ani |
The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova), one of the leading business associations in Moldova, seeks a short term expert/organization to elaborate a study on the topic of "regulating customs territorial competence and customs terminals" and to draft legislative proposals on the subject.
a. Evaluation of the current status regarding customs terminals;
b. Analysis of international experience;
c. Formulating recommendations on the possible solution implementation through legislation and economic analysis;
d. Elaborating the Study on Regulation of Customs Territorial Competence and Customs Terminals;
e. Drafting legislative proposals on regulating customs territorial competence and customs terminals, accompanied by Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) and Informative Note.
• Advanced University Degree in customs or trade law;
• At least 3 years of experience in providing similar and/or related consultancy;
• Experience in coordination or project management;
• Proven experience on preparation of written reports in an accurate and concise manner;
• Public presentation skills;
• Experience in working with different stakeholders (government bodies) including the business community and civil society;
• Fluency in oral and written English and Romanian, good command of Russian is desirable.
Please submit the following no later than March 21, 2014, via e-mail.
• A CV/CVs reflecting the relevant experience of the applicant (references will be an advantage) - 2 pages;
• Examples of previous research conducted - 2 pages;
• Research methodology - 2 pages;
• A tentative timetable for preparation, field-work, analysis and finalization of the Report -1 page;
• Detailed budget for the evaluation in USD (total price, daily fee, travel costs, communication, translation fees, etc.) -1 page.
The Terms of Reference can be viewed on the web page, or requested via e-mail .
anaraileanu@amcham.md | |
Web-Site | amcham.md |
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