06 iunie 2014
Chişinău · Philip Morris Representative Office joburile companiei »
Philip Morris representative office in Moldova is looking for a candidate who will contribute into company business growth and provide solid support in strategy development and day-to-day activities.
We expect you to:
• Establish the process or follow already developed procedures for preparation various results, reports, analysis and budgets according to the needs and instructions and within the required time;
• Review and validate the data received to ensure its accuracy and suitability as a basis for reporting/planning;
• Propose improvements of the reporting/planning systems, methods of work and analysis methods and contribute to ensuring that they are continuously adapted to the business requirements;
• Support the department in identifying and analyzing business problems and achieving optimal solutions by providing management with the highest quality data and analysis of identified business developments and opportunities;
• Support business development projects in cooperation with other departments.
• Good PC skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point)
• Fluent in Romanian, Russian and English
Exact salary amount and contractual terms are subject for negotiation.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.
andrii.sharshak@pmi.com |
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