11 aprilie 2016
Rusia - moscow · Park Plaza Hotel joburile companiei »
The management of Park Plaza Hotel London intends to increase its man power base due to increasing number of customers in the Hotel.
International Language Translators And Teachers
Main tasks and responsibilities of the employee operations:
Discuss translation requirements with guest and determine any fees to be charged for services provided.
Proofread, edit, and revise translated materials.
Read written materials such as legal documents or news reports, and rewrite material into English languages
Train and supervise other translators/interpreters
Travel with or guide tourists.
Run special courses for staffs and Management of the hotel.
Perform basic administrative duties.
Employment Type: Full Time
Monthly Salary: 3500GBP and above depending on level of experience
Preferred Language of Resume/Application: English
Years of Work Experience: One year minimum
Benefits: Accommodation, Relocation allowance, transportation
allowance, one hour of lunch break(meal) every day, six (6) weeks paid
annual leave every year, fourteen (14) days of paid sick leave per
Interested person should forward their CV/RESUME via email to Andrew Gifford for fast processing of application.
Telefon |
+373 448006890208
cv@parkplazacareers.co.uk |
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