12 ianuarie 2016
Chişinău · Divert Design joburile companiei »
A prospective UK agency Divert Design has open positions for remote iOS and web developers. We are looking for candidates familiar with whole process of creating mobile/web apps - start to finish. We are working mostly in:
- ObjectiveC/Java (iOS and Android mobile apps)
- Ruby on Rails (bigger web apps)
- Wordpress (smaller websites)
We use latest web trends in our development: Gulp, CoffeeScript, Sass, RequireJS, Twitter Bootstrap and others...
We offer competitive salary and good working conditions. Please send your CV and cover letter to zed@divertdesign.co.uk
P.S. Server administration is a plus
Telefon |
+381 646810186
zed@divertdesign.co.uk | |
Web-Site | divertdesign.co.uk |
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