16 octombrie 2015
Moldova - · Andrew joburile companiei »
Just to add to my previous point about a man's pernsoal problems having little relevance to his suitability as a politician:Mark Sanford not only avoided abuse of state resources, he completely separated his pernsoal affair from his position as governor. As we all know, even his closest staffers and family were unable to reach him. While Sanford was obviously trying to keep his behavior concealed, he also seemed to recognize that his was a pernsoal decision for which he is accountable.What the man did may not have been right especially considering the effect it had on his family but he respected the line between his pernsoal actions and his official duties; something that so many scandalized politicians were not able to do. His respect of that line earns him at least a little bit of the same respect from the public. http://qadibbbaszo.com [url=http://zpkfyefryxn.com]zpkfyefryxn[/url] [link=http://fabrlexzidq.com]fabrlexzidq[/link]
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