18 februarie 2014
Chişinău · German Company joburile companiei »
Sex | Experienţa |
Masculin | de la 2 ani |
Job Description:
- Build and manage a sales team of 8 sales representatives in Chisinau.
- Be responsible for all sales operations of the company.
- Manage customer base, product promotions, sales pricing.
- At least 2 years experience in managing a telesales team.
- Fluent English.
- Fluent with office software.
- Communicative, open-minded, team player.
- Experience in finding and growing new customers.
- Self-motivated, results-oriented, independent worker.
What we offer:
- A nice work environment in the central part of Chisinau.
- Ability to choose your own team members.
- A high initial salary of 1500 EUR a month.
- Fair commissions system.
- Official salary, medical insurance.
Please send your CVs in English, Romanian or Russian to email.
Only selected candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview.
info@datacorpglobal.com |
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