19 iunie 2014
Chişinău · Runkets joburile companiei »
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An online marketing company is hiring a SEO specialist to join our team.
-1-2+ years working experience in SEO
-In-depth knowledge of search engine criteria / algorithms;
-Good command of keyword research/data mining tools and competitive analysis;
-Experience with Google Adwords and Analytics;
-Knowledge of Social Media Marketing principles;
-Familiar with email marketing, SEM, article marketing, viral marketing and others;
-Basic HTML knowledge;
-Great english written skills, good romanian and russian.
Key responsibilities:
-Off page SEO efforts as link building, blogging, guest posting,forum/blog posting, submission work, online reviews, answers and others;
-Copywriting and content creation (article writing, blog posting, etc);
-Social Media profiles creation and updates posting;
-Keyword research, analysis, and implementation into content and other aspects of websites;
-On-page SEO;
-Website evaluation and identification of potential issues;
-Implementation of up-to-date online marketing practices to reach high visibility on Google.
What we offer:
-Full-time 09:00 - 18:00 through Monday to Friday;
-Competitive salary;
-Good working condition;
-Possibility to grow as professional.
Send your CV in english
Telefon |
+373 22 242627
info@runkets.com |
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