21 martie 2014
Chişinău · Eurosupport joburile companiei »
IT company “Eurosupport International” is seeking Polish speaking specialists.
1. Obligatory fluency in the Polish language, knowledge of Polish grammar on advanced level (specialist will communicate with customers from Poland)
2. Intermediate English, employee will have voice and written communications with English speaking management. All internal documents in the company are written in English.
3. Excellent command of the Russian language.
4. Communicability.
5. Work is performed remotely from employee's home. Local computer, Internet connection, working environment is full responsibility of the employee.
- Help customers with their requests via live chat and e-mail
- Work in back office systems
- Processing of financial information
- Data entry and initial analysis of the database
Employment Conditions:
- NET salary - 400 EUR. Growth opportunities.
- Opportunity to get extra bonuses monthly
- Work shifts are 2+2 (2 work days followed by 2 days off).
- Work time per shift is 10:00 AM till 22:00 AM (Moldovan time), 1 hour lunch break.
Please send your CV's to e-mail.
jobs@eurosupport.info |
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