15 octombrie 2015
Moldova - · Gerry joburile companiei »
The Man is not wise to expose hesimlf. If he had kept his problem to hesimlf, that is better for him and everyone not involved. If you feel guilty about something it doesnt mean you have to tell everyone. God doesnt want us to confess our sins to a priest or any people.I am not a fan of exposing people and I know that this type of thing could happen to any man of any religion or ethnicity or political background. Humans are Humans; imperfection is in our nature. But since he has already exposed hesimlf, I will take this opportunity to say a few things: Many of these Evangelical Christians think they are so righteous in condemning GOD for allowing a man to have more than one wife in the religion He revealed called Al-Islam. And yes I say they are condemning God, the one who is absolutely above being rebuked or condemned for anything, because the Religion of Al-Islam is from Him. Yet day and night we hear of some of the same hypocritical people who criticize Islam falling into extramarital affairs with women and maybe sometimes men and maybe even little boys. Allah allowed men to marry more than one woman if they have the ability to do so because He knows that he created them with certain very strong desires.So these fake so-called Conservative politicians that engage in Islam bashing need to can the B.S.. They are just a bunch of r-cist and big-tted idiots, period. They hate Al-Islam because they hate even the possibility that another r_ce might become dominant over them, and Al-Islam is not even about the dominance of any r_ce over another. Most of them have no real morality and only use Christianity to get votes. Its all a bunch of B.S.. If the average American has not realized this yet then all of their education has not truly benefitted them.
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