28 martie 2014
Chişinău · Umweltgroup joburile companiei »
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Orice | de la 2 ani |
Kentico CMS
Job Description
Minimum 2 years of Web Programming experience in following fields: ASP.NET Web Forms/C#/HTML and CSS/JavaScript/SQL
Minimum 2 years of experience in mobile sites development
Basic SEO knowledge
Good English level (Verbal, spoken and Written):
Kentico certificate Developer
Experience with Kentico version 6 and above-at least 2 years and 4 projects in past records
good knowledge and understanding in roles and permission sections, e-commerce, forms, multiple sites
Coding with Kentico templates and portal approach
Customizing Kentico code (not the full source code version
Experience with JavaScript in reading and writing code along with the jQuery library
Высылайте ваши CV по электронной почте.
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Просьба в CV указывать готовые проекты.
*Только отобранные кандидаты будут приглашены на индивидуальное собеседование.
Контактное лицо: Алексей
Telefon |
+373 60 047895
umweltgroup@gmail.com |
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