06 апреля 2017
Кишинёв · Planton Solutii вакансии компании »
Planton Solutii face parte dintr-o retea mare de programatori de nivel international care au la baza dezvoltarea, implimentarea si suportul programelor in domeniul bancar. Activind cu noi veti avea sansa sa va ridicati nivelul de cunostinte in domeniu si sa participati la proiecte de nivel international.
• Studierea modulelor de baza al sistemului bancar Temenos T24 si configurarea lor
• Preluarea cerintelor clientilor pentru configurare si dezvoltare in T24, analiza lor si crearea specificatiilor tehnice pentru programatori
• Testarea configurarilor si dezvoltarilor facute de programatori
• Pregatirea documentatiei necesare pentru utilizatori
• Asigurarea asistentei utilizatorilor prin demonstratii practice si prezentari
• Flexibilitatea de a calatori in strainatate cu scop de serviciu
• Cunostinte profesionale si competente, experienta de munca
• Experienta in lucru cu produsele bancare:
- Cont current
- Credite
- Depozite
- Planul de conturi
• Capacitate de analiza si sinteza, in procesul de descriere cu claritate a fluxurilor solicitate de client (zonele de business din banca) catre echipele de dezvoltare, in cadrul procesului de elaborare a documentelor de analiza
• Capacitate de organizare a propriilor activitati, pentru asigurarea unui raspuns rapid si prompt la solicitari / intrebari care vin atat dinspre zona de business, cat si din celelelate zone de dezvoltare
• Aptitudini de comunicare
• Aptitudine generale de studiere
• Initiativa
• Responsabilitate
• Engleza scrisa si vorbita
• Rezistenta la lucru in mai multe proiecte concomitent
• Experienta de lucru in institutii financiare
Noi oferim:
• Conditii de munca favorabile intr-un mediu dinamic
• Salariu atractiv + bonusuri
• Training
• Posibilitati de deplasari peste hotare
• Crestere in cariera
• Conditii de lucru intr-o echipa de specialisti
• Posibilitatea de a lucra cu profesionalisti internationali
Incurajam persoanele care dispun de calitatile necesare pentru acest post sa transmita CV-urile la adresa hr@plantonsolutions.com
PlanTon Solutions is a software company which is specialized in implementation, development, maintenance and consulting services in IT industry for banks and other financial institutions. The main company’s profile is providing services for financial institution, as well development of new software for banking sector.
We are looking for IT professionals who are enthusiastic, initiative, proactive and self-motivated
• Learning the basic modules of Temenos T24 banking system and their configuration
• Taking customer requirements for configuration and development in T24, their analysis and to create technical specifications for programmers
• Configuration testing and development made by programmers
• Preparing the required documents for users
• Provide user support through practical demonstrations and presentations
Experience required:
• Professional knowledge and skills, work experience
• Experience in banking products:
- Current account
- Loans
- Deposit
- Chart of Account
• Distinct analysis and synthesis skills in the descriptive process of the flows requested by the client (business areas of the bank) towards the development teams in the process of document elaboration for analysis
• Ability to organize their own work activities to ensure a quick and prompt response to requests / questions that come both from the business area and from other development areas
• Good knowledge of English: written and verbal
• High level of responsibility, independent work and initiative
• Ability to communicate and work in a team
• General abilities of learning
• Work resistance, ability to work thorough in more than one project at the same time
• Work experience in a financial institute
Planton Solutions offer a competitive benefits package:
• Attractive salary
• Excellent opportunity to join active and successful projects within an internationally based company
• Job training & abroad traveling
• Fun and healthy work environment
• Referral bonus
• Career growth
• Team of specialists
• Pleasant work environment
Телефон |
+373 79 062575
hr@plantonsolutions.com |
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