06 июля 2018
Кишинёв · Caritas-Cehia вакансии компании »
Зарплата | Пол | Опыт работы |
48000 MDL | Не имеет значения | от 10 лет |
A.O. Caritas Cehia (further listed as CC) is seeking a Consultant/Company/ Experts to initiate the revision of costing methodologies of medical homecare services. Based on the findings of the revision the consultant(s) should adjust/recommend the costing methodology aiming at ensuring a proper funding of the social and medical homecare services.
The assignment is part of the activity within the project “Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova 2017-2019”, funded by the Czech Development Agency and implemented by the leading partner Caritas Czech Republic along with AO Homecare and People in Need.
Expected duration of assignment: 11th July – 25th December 2018
Purpose of the assignment
The main objective is to review and adjust the existing methodology of calculation of the medical homecare services.
Project information
Project title
“Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova 2017-2019”
Lead Implementing Organization
Caritas Czech Republic
Implementing partners
People in Need and AO HomeCare
Czech Development Agency
A comprehensive study on home care services has been carried out.
The HBC services are financed in the RM from the local budget, health insurance main fund, beneficiaries’ contribution and private funds (local and international grants and donations).
Unfortunately, the available data and current published reports do not allow us to see the share of each of these resources in the total spent budget. The health insurance reports do not required spending from other sources than those received from the insurance fund. As well the social HBC services reports only the spending from the budget money. The CSOs are not required to present financial reports to local authorities.
A comprehensive study on home care services has been carried out. The overall objective of the assessment was to assess the existing HBC service provision (private and public) as well as the need of the population in sustainable HBC services. The survey sample comprised 84 HBC service providers from 23 ATU. The qualitative research involved 2 target groups: 340 beneficiaries of HBC services and 23 LPA representatives. Financial data was collected in order to establish the cost of the HBC provision. The method of cost calculation is based on transformation of resources (inputs) in products/services (outputs). The considered costing method associates the costs of resources with services delivery.
Study recommendations on the methodologies of calculation of the costs for medical homecare services:
- The per-visit cost formula should be transparent, clear and should reflect all needed resources for good quality service delivery. The formula could be presented as part of the Government Decision No. 1020 from 19.12.2011 on the medico-sanitary rates. The annual Ministerial Decision (MHLSP) (for 2017 this was the Order no. 66 from 31.01.2017) apart from stating the per-visit amount should present a breakdown of main components of this costs (ex: how much of this amount is pay for work, how much for medicine, how much for transport, the share could be specified based on the example of resource allocation for non-profit providers presented above).
- A method of increasing the cost (indexation) of these services should be also established in order to capture changes of consumer price index and ensuring sustainability and decent quality of service provision.
- From a cost-benefit perspective the integrated support should be considered since this approach offers the best outputs in terms of beneficiary satisfaction. At the same time being not much more expensive than the combined medical and social support provided in isolation.
On the basis of the recommendations of the study, we intend to initiate a revision of the methodology of the calculation for medical homecare services. The adjusted methodology (formula) will consist out of comprehensive calculations with a yearly basis indexation.
Tasks and duties of the Consultant
Under the guidance and supervision of the Country Director CC in cooperation with Union of the Community Service Providers (UCSP) will carry out the following tasks:
a. Meetings with the representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labour and social protection
- To attend and take an active role in the meetings with representatives of the MoHLSP organized by Caritas Cehia in cooperation with UCSP.
- Present during the meetings the results of the revision of the methodology for calculating the costs of medical and social services.
b. Revision and adjustment of the per-visit cost formula for medical services
- Desk review of the relevant public policies and programs in the relevant sector
- Participating in the meetings with the representatives of the Union and CC staff and providing guidance related to the steps needed to be achieved for the adjustment of the calculation methodology.
- Determine whether the systems, policies and procedures currently in place hinder the calculation of the per visit tariff in line with the minimum standards of quality in force.
- Revision of methodology of calculation of the tariff per visit for medical services.
- Identify systems, policies, strategies, mechanisms, and procedures that will enhance the existing methodology of calculation of the tariff per visit for medical services considering the legit indexation of the prices, currency fluctuation nor inflation.
- Provide the adjusted reviewed methodology of calculation and the recommendation for its implementation embedment in the existing legislation.
Proposed Breakdown of tasks with timelines:
Tasks Deliverables Time frame
Attend the meeting in MHLSP Present during the meetings the results of the revision of the methodology for calculating the costs of medical and social services. 3 days
The adjusted/ reviewed methodology of calculation and the recommendation for its implementation embedment in the existing legislation. Draft of the adjusted methodology and recommendations 6 days
Final of the adjusted/ reviewed methodology of calculation Submission of final of the adjusted/ reviewed methodology of calculation 2 days
For this purpose, the consultant will also have to obtain disaggregated data, review relevant literature (including studies, reports and surveys), working in common and in particular with representatives of the MHLSP and UCSP. The assessment must abide by the principles of impartiality, objectivity, independence, credibility and usefulness.
Competence requirements:
- Have demonstrated relevant working experience of at least ten (10) years in policy research at the national or international level and/or; (ii) academic/technical background relevant to the scope(s) of the assignment with at least five (5) years of relevant experience;
- Be familiar with policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks in relevant sectors and public administration system of the Republic of Armenia;
- Have recognized experience and/or knowledge relevant to the public policy cycle utilized by the Government of Moldova;
- Be able to communicate fluently, in writing and orally, in Romanian. A working knowledge of English, Russian languages desirable;
- Have excellent drafting skills, strong operational and analytical skills, and the ability to work as a member of a team.
The Consultant/Company/ Experts will be selected on the basis of offers containing:
• CV- description of experience and expertise;
• Copies of documents proving the expertise and experience;
• relevant expertise in the field.
The description of experience and expertise has to include:
• contacts to persons / institutions that can provide reference, and / or
• copies of official documents proving the experience and expertise stated
The selection criteria will be as follows:
• Offered price (25%)
• Proven expertise and experience (25%)
• Relevant expertise in the field ology (50%)
Start of work: 12th July 2018
Meeting in the MHLSP : 13th of July2018, 11th September 2018, 20th November 2018
Submission of the adjusted/ reviewed methodology: 27th August 2018
Maximum price to be paid for the delivery is 48000 MDL super gross
1. The adjusted/ reviewed methodology – Due on 27th August 2018, shall be submitted to Country Director/Project Manager Moldova Anastasia Para anastasia.para@caritas.cz
Qualified candidates may send their applications to the following e-mail address ccr.moldova.office@caritas.cz, hrccrmd@gmail.com. The deadline for submission is July 11, 2018. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. CCR reserves the right to cancel the selection process at any time.
Телефон |
+373 79 021019
hrccrmd@gmail.com |
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